Colder winter weather is here – DMI promises frost as well as snow this week

January continues on a cold and white note. Tuesday night and Wednesday snow is expected to make morning traffic difficult. Adjust your travel and transport plans accordingly is the advice.
The article continues below.
If you enjoy cold, clear, frosty days with trees and bushes covered by lovely white flakes then make the most of this week.
At least until Sunday, DMI promises a winter freezer as far as temperatures are concerned – and even more so when the wind picks up as well.
Daytime temperatures will be from minus 2 to plus 2 degrees Celcius and nightime down to minus 7 degrees Celcius – locally colder.
Strong winds along northbound coasts will make it feel even colder for your skin. Also white snowflakes will grace the landscape, not massive snowfall but with 5 to 7 cm enough to be beautiful but also making transport more complicated.
Snowfall (more) will start tonight in Jutland and move accross the country reaching Zealand and the Copenhagen area Wednesday morning.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday snowfall can be expected locally in most of the country – how much will fall where is not predicted in the forecasts at present.
For the whole country, DMI warns of risk of icy and/or wet roads, bicycle paths and pavements, particularily in the early mornings and at night.
Check the updated weather forecasts at dmi before leaving home as well as trafic situations at and
Arrive safely at your destination.
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Text and picture by Bente D. Knudsen