Setting up your own business in Denmark – our quick guide
Our guide to getting started will walk you through the steps required, so you never know – the next big thing in Danish business could …

Register your new business, choose a name and get going
Decide on the type of business you are going to register your company as, and all you need to do is name your company, register …

Renting your new home in Denmark: OUR GUIDE
Making the big move to Denmark for work? Know that navigating the Danish housing landscape takes a LOT of work. Ease yourself into the process …

The Danes and their bread
Have you ever entered a Danish bakery and felt a bit lost when faced with shelf after shelf of bread and cakes in all shapes, …

Create Value Through Volunteer Work- find our GUIDE below
Abundant in benefits for self and society, volunteering in this Scandinavian nation is an experience that’s worth its weight in gold. Below, we give you …

Are you taking your vitamin D ?
In Denmark, the cold season can be a real challenge. Not only are the dark months hard to get through; the lack of sun may …

When the wind blows during winter – do you know how cold it is for your skin when you go outside?
Denmark is windy, the modern wind chill factor developed by DMI can help you evaluate just how cold the wind feels on your skin. The …

The short and dark days ahead may zap all your energy – what to do?
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also called winter depression, is not uncommon, especially the further north you get. Find our best tips on what you can …

How to avoid getting a parking ticket?
You are probably familiar with most parking signs, however, there may be local variations to be aware of to avoid that nasty surprise in your …

Service in an equal society – the Danish case
Are you finding it difficult to get good service in shops and restaurants in Denmark? And what is good service? Our expat writer looks at …

Shopping for your daily groceries – Our GUIDE to the Danish Grocery Market
Getting used to shopping for your groceries in a new country can be quite a challenge. In Denmark, for instance, you won’t find any of …

Experience the world in a new way with a Folk High School Stay outside of Denmark for three months
Take three months out of your calendar and experience the world through a stay at a Folk High School (Ed’s note:Folkehøjskole)abroad. You will expand your …

Our best tips for spending Thanksgiving in Denmark
The Thanksgiving holiday is just around the corner for North Americans. Although Christmas decorations are up, and jingle bells are ringing in Denmark, for US …

Finding other expats in Denmark
You’ve (just) arrived in your new country and you’ve stacked the last pile of clothes in the wardrobe. In other words, you’re settled – or …

Danish HYGGE – even Danes don’t realise that, surprisingly, it is not about the candles
Put candles on the table, in the windowsill, and a couple elsewhere in your room. Buy candy, snacks, wine or beer, invite some friends, and …