Danish rate of infection figure low, the country performs second highest number of tests in Europe per inhabitant

Spread is going the right way; down according to the latest figures from SSI, the institute responsible for monitoring the situation.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
Yesterday, 1,066 residents were registered as infected with COVID-19, despite being somewhat higher than the preceding day’s figure, the good news is that the rate of infection has fallen to 0,9, which means that on average an infected person passes on the infection to less than 1 other person.
It seems that the restrictions imposed are working.
Denmark is one of the countries with the highest rate of testing in Europe with almost 7,500 tested residents per 100,000 inhabitants but at the same time the rate of infection amongst those tested is low, the latest figure shows it at 1,5 percent, the lowest rate in the EU/ Schengen and the UK.
SSI, The Danish Institute of Infectious Diseases publishes weekly figures with data from the EU/Schengen and UK, here several different figures make it possible to get an overview of how the epidemic is developing within Europe.
In week 44, Denmark registered 213 infected residents per 100,000 residents (average period from 21 October to 2 November), the country tested 7,491 residents per 100,000 inhabitants of which 1,5 percent were tested positive.
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The only other country on the list with a higher test rate is Luxembourg with 12,479 tested residents per 100,000, of which 5,5 percent were tested positive, in Luxembourg the rate of infection is 1,338 infected residents per 100,000.
Denmark’s closest neighbours and most important trade partners:
Germany: 225 infected residents per 100,000, performing 1,636 tests per 100,000, with 7,6 percent positive
Sweden: 274 infected residents per 100,000 performing 1,640 tests per 100,000 residents, with 10,7 percent positive
United Kingdom: 469 infected residents per 100,000, performing 3,303 tests per 100,000 residents, with 7,1 percent positive
Numbers can be misguiding as in countries with a high rate of positive tests this could be because mainly those with symptoms are tested, however, they are indicative of the development within each country.
Find your home country (within Europe) on the list in the link below.
Find the list as at 5 November in this link:
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