Your Danish Post

Danish Tax Authorities warn against false emails and text messages

SKAT, the Danish tax authority, has again issued warnings concerning different kinds of false emails and text messages which look as though they have been sent from one of the seven institutions under SKAT’s authority.

The article continues below.

By Bente D. Knudsen                       Pictures: PR/Skat

The false messages have several different looks, so citizens may receive messages that look different from the ones that SKAT warns about on their official home page. The messages often contain links to home pages, which are NOT any of SKAT’s, and following the links and doing as they ask represents a risk of being subjected to fraud.

SKAT recommends that citizens remain vigilant, and that they check the email address from where the message has been sent. If they do not contain one of the seven website names below, then they are not from any official Danish tax site.

Find here the domain names and institution names of SKAT’s seven different official home pages. /Vejledning og selvbetjeningsløsninger for alle styrelser / Skattestyrelsen / Toldstyrelsen /Vurderingsstyrelsen / Gældsstyrelsen Motorstyrelsen / Udviklings- og Forenklingsstyrelsen / Administrations- og Servicestyrelsen

The article continues below.

A good advice is always to check the purpose of the email. When SKAT writes to citizens it is to give information and options for actions to take.

SKAT will never ask for information such as your personal information (CPR number etc.) or your bank account. The Danish tax authorities always make payments, which are owed to citizens, directly to their NEM accounts and therefore you do not need to give any bank information to SKAT to receive payments from SKAT  (such as tax repayments).

If you are in doubt whether or not a message is from SKAT, do not follow any links, but go instead to the official site at and login.

Here you can get into contact with SKAT to see if they were trying to reach you.