Denmark’s borders remain closed for most countries until 31 August
Only tourists from Germany, Norway and Iceland will be able to visit Denmark this summer. Border openings with these countries on 15 June 2020
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By Bente D. Knudsen
Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen’s government has decided to keep to the absolute safest side in her announcement concerning the border openings.
This means that only tourists with a booking of at least six days outside of Copenhagen – and only if they are German, Norwegian, or Icelandic nationals – can cross the Danish borders.
However, they will not be let in if they have a booking for a hotel in Copenhagen and in general tourists in Copenhagen are not allowed to stay overnight, but they can visit Copenhagen for a day.
The municipality they are not to sleep in are Copenhagen and Frederiksberg. So, for instance, they can stay in a hotel in Gentofte and still visit Copenhagen.
This means that a French national, driving through Germany will not be able to cross the Danish border until the 31 August 2020 unless they are related to someone in Denmark and can enter under the “a good reason to enter Denmark” or are here for a business reason.
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Danish citizens will be able to enter Germany, Norway and Iceland and must follow the restrictions and guidelines issued in these countries.
Whether for instance Danish nationals will be able to enter other countries – will they open their borders to Denmark if Denmark’s are closed – is at time of posting not known.
However, for residents in Denmark this means that if they travel to a country where the borders are not open, when they come home, they must go into self-quarantine for 14 days.
A solution with Sweden is being looked at and will be announced when it has been found.
Many Danes have summer houses in Sweden and relations with Sweden, and the regions in Southern Sweden have a close relationship with Denmark (Øresundsregionen).
The spread of the virus is actually less in Southern Sweden compared to the Copenhagen region, therefore Mette Frederiksen announced that a solution for border openings with Southern Sweden are being worked on.
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