End of the corona related travel restrictions, the world becomes green again

As of the 15 October, the world is again open for travel for Danish residents and from 25 October Denmark opens its borders to tourists.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
After more than 18 months with restrictions, the Danish Government and several opposition parties have reached an agreement which again opens for travel from and entry to Denmark.
Just in time for the autumn break of the Danish schools, Danish residents are free to travel from the 15 October to any country of their choice without facing severe restrictions upon return.
In the agreement is also a return to Denmark as a more normal tourist destination, when from 25 October, foreign travellers and tourists from countries outside of the EU no longer need to have a valid reason to enter Denmark.
In the Danish Foreign Office’s travel guidelines, the colour orange and the corona related restrictions will no longer be applied, instead the world will be green or red, and red will again be related to travel security issues and no longer to the COVID-19 epidemic.
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The homepage of the Danish Foreign Office related to travel restrictions is at present not updated but will be updated once the new guidelines apply, the current information was released in a press release dated 12 October:
The following is valid as of 15 October 2021:
The Danish Foreign Office’s guidelines return to normal meaning that the colours will not reflect the level of COVID-19 infection in a country, instead the colour will be green or red according to security issues for the traveller such as terror, war, instability or other safety issues.
Many countries still have many COVID-19 related restrictions, travellers from Denmark must therefore check any travel restrictions for a particular destination with the information on the Danish or Foreign Embassy’s websites or other websites with information about COVID-19 restrictions in the destination of their choice
For Danish residents who are not vaccinated they can find information on the official site coronasmitte.dk concerning how they must act related to isolation and tests when they return from abroad, and for those who are not vaccinated, they must take note that several countries do not allow entry for travellers who are not vaccinated.
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The following will be applied from 25 October for travel to Denmark as a foreigner/ tourist
From the EU and Schengen countries entry to Denmark for those who are vaccinated, formerly infected or who have a negative test entry is unrestricted. For others, they must be tested within 24 hours of arrival to Denmark. This requirement also applies to Danish residents or Danish citizens when entering Denmark.
The worthy cause rule will no longer be applied, nor will the demand to be tested prior to entry apply for foreign residents of any nationality
The COVID-19 border controls will end
Fully vaccinated residents from OECD countries, countries on EU’s positive list which are also on the Danish list of open countries as well as countries that are part of EU’s corona pas measure can enter Denmark without test or isolation requirements
For non-vaccinated residents entering from one of the countries on EU’s positive list and which Denmark has also opened for a test must be made after entry to Denmark
Non vaccinated travellers from all other countries than those listed here (EU, SChengen, OECD, EU positiv list) must get a test and self-isolate upon arrival in Denmark
For cruise travellers a valid coronapas is required before bordering and a test must be made before disembarking in Denmark should there be a situation with COVID-19infection on board.
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It was also decided, to keep control of the epidemic should new troublesome COVID-19 variations arise, that travel restrictions may again be part of the tools used to maintain control, thus travel restrictions and guidelines, test demands prior to travel to Denmark, worthy cause rules etc may again be applied.