Music event coming up: Acoustic Nights CPH
An intimate and cosy venue invites you inside when Krudttønden on Østerbro in Copenhagen hosts the first of several Acoustic Nights Copenhagen.
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On 29 April, the first venue, from 20:00 to 22:30 has great line-up with three talented musicians and composers to take you through a delightful event with original music
You will find that Sara Grabow’s songs are immersive, calm, and meditative, while at the same time her lyrics are full of reflection on mankind’s relation with the surrounding space.
Benjamin Aggerbæk on the other hand will take you in the direction of swing and folk traditions.
And of course, not to miss, will be Julie Sunflower’s performance where heartfelt, humorous and spiced tones with a pinch of jazz and Nordic folk music will captivate you.
After two years of lockdown the Danish music and cultural scene is finally back.
The mission of the organisers is to offer an intimate, positive experience for an audience ready to discover and enjoy quality music, regardless of genre by facilitating events where talented musicians can meet an audience of curious ready to explore music lovers.
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Tickets are DKK 80 for those purchased in advance or DKK 100 at the door.
Doors to the venue will open at 19:00, with the concert start at 20:00. More information here.
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