Your Danish Post

NEW: PCR test without appointment

Drop by and get a PCR test instead of an antigen test is the advice from the health authorities.

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By Bente D. Knudsen

To track the new variants better, the Danish health authorities have decided to make it much easier to take a PCR test.

The aim is to get more citizens to take a PCR test instead of the quick test which so far have been the only ones to be taken as drop in tests.

The average delay for answers to PCR test is 15 hours and the authorities have decided to prolong the validity from the current 72 hours to 96 hour to make the test more attractive for those who still need a test as a corona pass.

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The aim is to get a quick tracing of variants, which only the PCR tests enable the laboratories to do.

The total capacity of PCR test is currently at 170,000 daily tests and with only around 80,000 daily test made, there is free capacity, a capacity which is to be used to ensure a continued control over the epidemic as the variants progress.

Not all PCR test centres will refer immediately to a drop in system, at the site of a map of Denmark will be updated daily with information about which PCR tests centers are available as drop-in centres. Children under the age of 15 . they can only used the drop-in function if a parent to accompanys them.

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