Your Danish Post

Royal visit from Norway brings Royal Norwegian Yacht to Copenhagen Harbour

A festive couple of days for royalists in Copenhagen and Aarhus as the King and Queen of Norway make an official visit to Denmark as guests of Queen Margrethe.

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By Bente D. Knudsen    Picture:Norske Kongehuset, Jørgen Gomnæs

Close family relations are always greeted with warmth and the best the country can provide; those were the words of the Danish Queen some years ago when she last had a visit from royal relations from a Scandinavian country.

The visit on 15 and 16 June was awaited with some anxiety as the 85-year-old King Harald of Norway had been hospitalised some weeks prior to the visit due to an infection.

On the 15 June the Norwegian King and Queen will arrive by their yacht, Norge, at Nodre Toldbod in Copenhagen, where they will be met by the Danish Queen and driven by horse carriage to Amalienborg.

Of course, the royals will be escorted by the Queen’s mounted guards. For those who enjoy these old historic traditions the yacht will sail into Copenhagen Harbour around 10:00 to let the royals disembark at 10:30 at Nordre Toldbod.

In the evening the Danish Queens hosts a festive dinner at Amalienborg at Christian VII’s Palace, which is the one used for visiting state guests. The dinner will be transmitted by DR1 for those interested in beautiful dresses, tiaras and gala uniforms.

After dinner the Norwegian King and Queen will sail with their yacht to Aarhus accompanied by the Danish Royal family’s yacht Dannebrog with the Danish Crown Prince Couple on board.

In Aarhus, the Danish Crown Prince Couple will disembark first to be able to greet the Norwegian King and Queen, the Crown Prince couple  will accompany them on their different visits around Aarhus.

“Norge” and “Dannebrog” are the only two yachts still being used by a royal family. Both ships are more than 70 years old. More information about the royal yachts here.

The Norwegian King and Queens are on a state visit together with a delegation from different Norwegian ministries.

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The focus of the visit is to further increase trade relations between the two countries as well as focus on the green energy transition also for the shipping industry as well as cooperation and exchange of ideas within the defence and health sector.

The full program of the visit can be found on the site of the Danish royal family here.

15 June
10:30 Arrival at Copenhagen, Nordre Toldbod

11:00 Arrival at Amalienborg by horse carriage and royal mounted guards as escort.
During the day participation in business conference at Dansh Industri Rådhuspladsen.

20:00 State dinner at Amalienborg Palace

23:00/24:00   At the end of the dinner, departure from Copenhagen of both royal yachts, Danish Crown Prince couple sail on Dannebrog and the Norwegian King and Queen on Norge.

16 June
10:00 Arrival at Aarhus Harbour,  the Danish Crown Prince Couple disembark first from Dannebrog to be able to greet the Norwegian King and Queen as Norge arrives at Aarhus Harbour.
12:30 Lunch at the Town Hall, Aarhus
18:00 Reception on bord the Royal Norwegian yacht Norge.

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