The end of COVID-19 restrictions?

Tonight at 18:30, the Danish Prime Minister will announce what is to happen with the Danish restrictions and measures which are set to end on 31 January.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
All day rumours have been strong that the Danish Prime Minister, Mette Frederiksen will announce the end of all corona related restrictions shortly. The basis of the Danish Government’s decisions is the advice given by the Epidemic Commission. The Danish Epidemic Commission has recommended that all restrictions should be eased as of 31 January and that Covid-19 should no longer be considered a critical illness.
Covid-19 is at present classified as a critical illness, Samfundskritisk sygdom, a categorisation which has enabled the many restrictions and measures put in place.
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One measure which the commission recommends prolonging is the testing prior to arrival of foreign travellers who wish to visit Denmark, whatever the reason for their visit. Therefore, it is expected that the mandatory testing prior to arrival for foreign travellers will be prolonged for a further 4 weeks.
It is also expected that facemasks will be maintained in certain areas such as elderly care centres and other health institutions and hospitals.
At 18:30 today the Danish Government will present the final decision concerning this recommendation. The press meeting will be transitted on DR 1 and at
Your Danish Life will update as quickly as possible the outcome of the meeting.
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