The last three weeks of May will bring both cold and mild weather

The last weeks of May will bring some sun and warmth but alas also cold.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
Despite being the last spring month, May in Denmark is really considered as the first month of warmth and sweetness, there is even a saying and song “Kom maj du søde milde”, which translates into something like; “Come May, you are so sweet and mild”.
It is a Danish version of W.A. Mozart’s German song ”Komm, Lieber Mai”.
How it came to be translated to Danish is a bit of a mystery, however, according to the Danish national book of songs, Højskolesangbogen, it is possible that it was Mozart’s widow, Constance, who did so.
She lived in Denmark from 1810-1820 with her second husband, the Danish cultural attaché Georg Nissen.
If you ask any Dane, they will say that “Kom maj, du søde milde” is the most Danish of spring songs!
Either way, May weather can be lovely and mild and is really the green month, as those trees that did not bloom in April, will do so in May.
Find the latest weekly forecast issued by DMI from 11 May until the 31 May below:
May weather will be both sunny and mild, with, on good days, temperatures reaching up to 18 degrees Celsius, locally even 20 degrees Celsius, alternating with periods of cold north eastern winds bringing showers and clouds and barely 10 to 15 degrees Celsius.
Week 20 from 11 to 17 May will begin with a low pressure system from the north east bringing unstable cold weather with some showers and clouds and temperatures between 10 and 15 degrees Celsius, later that week a high pressure system will reach the country from the southwest bringing more stable and sunny weather and warmer temperatures between 13 and 18 degrees C. Night temperatures will be between 2 to 8 degrees Celsius.
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As the high pressure systems brings more stable weather it will last into the following week 21 from 18 to 24 May with dry and sunny weather and up 18 even 20 degrees Celsius, it is expected that the high pressure system will stay until the beginning of week 22, here the forecast is more uncertain, but several models show that the high pressure system will move further to the east of Denmark – allowing again for the well-known scenario of wetter western low pressure systems to reach the country.
The good news is that there will be a period with warmer and sunnier weather – lasting maybe 10 days. So during the coming weeks – when the sun shines and it is mild and warm, remember to enjoy it as much as possible.
In his spring song Mozart wrote about the longing for a warm and sunny spring – no wonder! Find the text below.
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The text to the Danish version:
1.Kom, maj, du søde, milde!
gør skoven atter grøn,
og lad ved bæk og kilde
violen blomstre skøn.
Hvor ville jeg dog gerne,
at jeg igen den så!
Ak, kære maj! hvor gerne
igen i marken gå.
2. Du derfor smukt dig skynde,
kom, kære maj, o kom!
at snart vi kan begynde
på marken vor springom.
Men frem for alt du mange
violer tage med,
og nattergalesange
og kukkeren tag med!
Source: The two verses present in Højskolesangbogen.