Track repairs also affect the international trains from Rødby Ferry Harbour to Copenhagen
As if the track repairs on the Copenhagen S-line is not enough, take note of changes if you need to go by train to Rødby Ferry (to head on to Europe/Germany) the next 2,5 months.
The article continues below.
By Bente D. Knudsen
You might just have decided to take the train for your next trip to Germany – or another European destination. From the evening of 23 March until 4 June 2018 the trains will be replaced by busses – the so-called train busses.
This will mean some prolonged travelling time and DSB recommends that you check on for more information.
Find the train bus at Copenhagen’s main train station at the exit towards Vesterbrogade – a square called Banegårdspladsen. From the ferry at Rødby the busses will be waiting at the parking lot next to the train station – the road is called Færgestationsvej.
This also means that trains from Rødby Færge to Orehoved/Vordingborg will be replaced by a train bus.
Picture: DSB