Where are expats going this summer?

With all the travel restrictions due to the virus, we decided to find out what expats will be doing this summer. Find our short report here.
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By Jessica Sacco
Much has changed over the last few months here in Denmark regarding the Corona virus.
While other countries are still struggling with lockdown situations, still working from home, and now wondering what to do with children for the summer after having them home from school since March, Denmark is mostly open for business.
Life feels remarkably similar to what it was before the virus hit this country.
The government has even moved up its timeline for allowing tourists from most European countries when the original plan was to keep that on pause until end of August.
Danish citizens and residents are also allowed to travel to many different countries. But will they travel?
This is the question that I asked expats: “Will you be travelling this summer, and where will you go?”
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I mostly interviewed the expat community at my daughter’s International school about their summer holiday plans. Of course, many families had plans that had to be cancelled due to virus restrictions, such as closed borders and quarantine rules.
Some of these places included India, Pakistan, and the United States. This of course is difficult for these families because as expats, many go home during the summer to visit family and friends, whom they do not see often.
Other people reported they are waiting to hear about border/quarantine restrictions from other European countries, so their plans continue to be on hold.
It is a tough decision, because it becomes a question if it’s worth it to travel somewhere that you have to quarantine or do the same when you arrive back in Denmark.
Many of the families I spoke to are staying here in Denmark and visiting the beautiful places this country has to offer such as Bornholm, Skagen, or the towns along the coast.
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Local travel is a popular choice right now as the Corona numbers remain stable, and people feel safe here.
For those who are traveling abroad, Norway is of course the number one destination, as it was one of the first countries to have a border agreement with Denmark, and no quarantining on either end.
Also, Norway has had very low Corona numbers, so people again feel like it’s a safe place to travel to. Many people who had other plans cancelled, are unsure to travel to their home countries or other destinations, have chosen Norway as their main summer holiday.
Others are coupling it with travel around Denmark. Danes that I have spoken to will be staying local and enjoying their cosy summer homes. Overall, most people are not looking to travel far this summer.
While things do feel quite “normal” here in Denmark, I think people still have the virus at the forefront of their minds and are hoping to avoid risky behaviours or endeavours.
I myself am traveling to Norway, a trip we actually had started planning and booking right before Corona got to Denmark, so we had been on pins and needles waiting to hear if we’d be able to go!
While we are excited to travel, there are still Corona related issues. Some of the excursions we have booked have to be revised, times changed, more precautions. So, it is not without its challenges.
But again, knowing that many many people worldwide are still locked down, or dealing with high numbers, I think people in Denmark feel grateful for being able to travel at all this summer.
Happy summer and stay safe!
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