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Create Value Through Volunteer Work- find our GUIDE below

Abundant in benefits for self and society, volunteering in this Scandinavian nation is an experience that’s worth its weight in gold. Below, we give you the low-down on where and how you can get involved to enrich both your life and that of those around you.

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By Tina Jimmy Dastur

Relocating to a new country is a stressful proposition, and Denmark is no exception.

Navigating bureaucracy, rifling through paperwork, finding and setting-up home, familiarising yourself with the culture, and finding a circle of like-minded individuals are all obstacles that necessitate delicate and deft manoeuvring as an expat.

And, if you’re an accompanying spouse, go right ahead and add job hunting to the mix because landing full-time work in Denmark is a full-time job.

Contending with this mountain of challenges can be overwhelming and exhausting, and even though Denmark repeatedly ranks in the top five of ‘World’s Happiest Countries’ surveys, know that it takes ample time, effort, and patience to find your footing here as an expat.

That said, there is hope yet. And you’ll likely find it in volunteering.

Denmark’s relationship with volunteering is one for the ages, with its voluntary sector tracing its roots back to 1849, to the adoption of Grundloven (the Danish Constitutional Act).

A research paper published by the Center for Frivilligt Socialt Arbejde on the subject of volunteering in Denmark noted that the voluntary sector personifies personal freedom, social community and the fight for human rights; is the fertile soil for self-help, empowerment, and integration; and functions as a school for democracy.

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To date, a significant percentage of Danes are involved in some kind of voluntary work or the other, often over and above their regular day jobs.

And it’s worth pointing out that this predisposition to volunteer stems not from compulsion or societal expectation, but instead, a genuine interest in giving back to society.

Denmark’s portfolio of volunteer organisations is vast, and although each varies in shape, size and strength, it usually comes dressed in one of three ways:

1) Associations, which are a democratic union of individuals sharing a common goal/interest

2) Self-governing institutions—a Scandinavian specialty run on an agreement of operations that function in a manner similar to volunteer associations

3) Foundations, which are legal entities with an autonomous board that administers a fortune in line with clearly-defined objectives for the greater common good.

Today, there are innumerable volunteering opportunities to be found across industries, so you’re highly likely to land volunteer work that aligns with your specific interests—be that caring for the elderly, sheltering and providing for stray animals, coaching at the local swimming club, signing-up to assist at your favourite music fest, aiding refugees with integration, serving hot meals to the homeless or helping your local cafe combat food waste.

The upsides to volunteering are manifold—it is a tried, tested, and proven way to meet fellow Danes and expand your network, a great means to acquire practical skills, a superb opportunity to improve your Danish and a worthy addition to your resume.

More than anything else, however, it is a way to pay it forward and can be a rewarding, enriching, and educational experience that will change you in ways you never imagined possible.

Jennifer Arora, an American expat in Copenhagen, who volunteers at Ælder Sagen, where she keeps an elderly lady company through simple activities like talking, taking walks, and playing Scrabble, attests to this.

“I enjoy being involved in my local community and value the relationships formed through service,” she shares, adding, “I greatly appreciate the sense of belonging to the local community that volunteering gives me, versus the feeling of just being a visitor here.”

Asked if she would recommend volunteer work to others, and she is emphatic in her response— “Absolutely! It is so rewarding and is a wonderful way to keep everyone connected. We all have something to give to make a difference to someone else’s life.”

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Given the nature of volunteer work, you will often have the flexibility to pick the days and time duration that fit your schedule, depending on whether you’re someone who’s choosing to do this over and above their 9.00-17.00 job, a student looking to gain valuable hands-on experience or just someone who’s unemployed or retired but interested in filling up their days with meaningful work.

So, if you’re new to the land of liquorice and Lego and keen to contribute your skills to the voluntary sector, a good place to start would be frivilligjob.dk.

On this portal, you can sift through several categories and industries and filter your search for tailored volunteer opportunities.

Another avenue worth exploring for Copenhageners in particular is cphvolunteers.kk.dk.

Should you choose to sign-up with them, you have the option of deciding which voluntary tasks you have the time and desire for, in addition to opportunities ranging from concerts and festivals to creative workshops, exhibitions, races, and more, all within the capital.

If, however, trawling the internet isn’t your thing, look no further than our comprehensive round-up of volunteer organisations below.

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For those interested in caring and providing for the less fortunate

An aid organisation rooted in Christian views on humanity, Kirkens Korshær offers assistance to those in need using an approach premised on care, presence, and respect. With the aim to develop in step with society, it caters to migrants, vulnerable families, the lonely, the homeless and the mentally ill in Greater Copenhagen and on the island of Bornholm. The organisation is present at several locations around the city, each with its own agenda, history and set of volunteers.

Take, for example, City Work Christianshavn and YouPeople. While the former works with socially and economically vulnerable families with children, the latter is a morning cafe that serves as a place of refuge to the homeless when night hostels close, offering them a cup of hot tea/coffee and fruitful conversations to help them start their day on a bright, positive note.

These aside, Kirkens Korshær also conducts a range of social work at Drejervej: there’s the Hotel Jens heating room, which is a safe space for conversation, creativity, and togetherness for the socially disadvantaged; the The Red Dragon caravan, which is a travelling workshop for children in need of a break from the challenges and worries of everyday life; and open counselling sessions with a social worker for those seeking advice on sensitive matters.

Further, at their warming room at Istegade 100, homeless people are encouraged to participate in a variety of activities (often with volunteers who speak their mother tongue) and feel both wanted and welcome. Similarly, The Marian Service is a space of solace for the socially vulnerable from across the world, where they can seek shelter from wind and weather, enjoy a cup of tea/coffee, and chat about everything between heaven and earth.

The Compass welcomes homeless migrants from the European Union and offers them a place to rest their heads, opportunities to learn Danish, and valuable advice on everything from their rights and responsibilities in Denmark to help with preparing a resume.

That’s not all. The organisation also runs The Social Laundry, which is a ‘laundry with meaning’ affiliated with the Frederiksberg Municipality, where the unemployed can seek job activation through meaningful internships with proceeds flowing to the Church Cross Army’s work with the socially vulnerable.
To join Kirkens Korshær as a volunteer, visit www.kirkenskorshaer.dk/koebenhavn/bliv-frivillig


For those intent on making food accessible to all

One Bowl’s mission is as simple and straightforward as it comes—to change the world, one bowl at a time. How do they achieve this? By preparing dinner for people of all backgrounds and from varied walks of life, regardless of their economic status or ability.

With an aim to resolve the issue of food insecurity, loneliness, and social exclusion, One Bowl follows a ‘pay what you can’ approach for its plant-based menu, wherein guests get to decide how much they are willing/able to pay for their bowl.

Over and above promoting food security across all sections of society, One Bowl fosters a feeling of community and provides a safe space for everyone to enjoy a nutritious meal in the midst of good company.
To join One Bowl as a volunteer, visit www.onebowl.dk/volunteer


For those determined to make the socially disadvantaged feel heard, valued, and important

A Christian social aid organisation with 3,806 volunteers and 1,615 members, Blå Kors Danmark is intent on making life a little better, brighter, and easier for the socially disadvantaged, be that vulnerable young adults, homeless individuals, alcohol and drug addicts, or families struggling to make ends meet.

Their breadth of social work is vast and encompasses addiction treatment, shelters for the destitute (of which Grace Kbh at Åboulevard 50 is perhaps best known for being a hostel for foreign migrants who do not have access to public funded hostels), safe spaces for vulnerable families (read: those impacted by unemployment, illness, death, or divorce) to interact and network, alcohol centres that offer counselling and therapy, holiday camps for socially disadvantaged children to help build their confidence and self-esteem, and the Local Chess project to help those in shelters get a shoe in to the labour market.

Additionally, the 125-year-old organisation is the driving force behind Barnets Blå Hus, which extends treatment and support to children and young adults who come from families with substance abuse problems; TUBA, which is focused on providing professional counselling and therapy to anyone between 14 and 35 years of age who has been raised in a family with alcohol problems or drug addiction; 4plus, a socio-economic enterprise that works towards integrating individuals back into the labour market; and Nye Netværk, which seeks enable the socially disadvantaged to create and maintain meaningful networks.
To join Blå Kors Danmark as a volunteer, visit www.blaakors.dk/bliv-frivillig


For those keen on tackling a range of social issues that address human dignity, inclusivity, and equality

The Danish Red Cross is a humanitarian organisation committed to alleviating the lives of those impacted by conflict, disasters, and economic hardships. Since its founding in 1876, the Danish arm of The Red Cross has been responsible for providing essential aid and supplies, boosting disaster relief efforts, and promoting human dignity and respect for all.

A team of over 40,000 volunteers, spread across different parts of the country, is in charge of activities that target the most vulnerable sections of society—families with children, women affected by violence, detainees, refugees and asylum seekers, the mentally vulnerable, and the homeless—while another 10,000 devote their efforts to the organisation’s 250+ second-hand stores.

These organisations’ extensive list of activities covers localisation (encouraging local voices, civic action and improved interventions), health (investing time, research and finances to advance the health sector and improve access to healthcare), mental health and psychosocial support (treating mental health conditions, preventing distress triggers and promoting a sense of safety and feeling of community and connectedness), migration (addressing all stages of migration and displacement and offering solid opportunities and solutions to empower the vulnerable and promote social inclusion), anticipatory action and disaster management (using forecasts and data analyses to help at-risk communities mitigate the effects of natural disasters, while also enabling them with the means to enhance their disaster response actions), and climate (entering into partnerships with local communities and governments to find innovative solutions to climate-related challenges, investing in eco-friendly practices and climate awareness initiatives and advocating for policies that promote sustainable development).
To join Røde Kors Danmark as a volunteer, visit www.en.rodekors.dk/volunteer


For those interested in bettering the lives of the disadvantaged in the Danish capital

As the name suggests, this organisation is dedicated to humanitarian work in the Danish capital region. Founded in 1917, Røde Kors Hovedstaden is the largest local branch under the Red Cross in Denmark, and is buoyed by 3,500 volunteers, who offer their services to a wide range of activities aimed at improving the lives of the less fortunate.

Whether it’s organising the annual Christmas party to bring joy to disadvantaged families with children, offering an array of community spaces to those in need of someone to talk to, providing vital first aid in unforeseen circumstances (through its well-trained network of Samaritans), mentoring and offering accommodation to the homeless, or providing counsel to crisis-stricken victims of assault, rape, violence, abuse, Røde Kors Hovedstaden’s efforts are vast and varied, and positively impact a large cross-section of society in the capital.
To join Røde Kors Hovedstaden as a volunteer, visit hovedstaden.rodekors.dk/frivilligt-arbejde-koebenhavn/ or email rkh.frivillig@rodekors.dk


For those who are committed to ensuring a more hopeful tomorrow for vulnerable youth

With over 10,000 participants and volunteers and 200 ongoing volunteer-driven activities in the country, the Danish Red Cross Youth is Denmark’s largest humanitarian youth organisation. A part of the global Red Cross movement, Ungdommens Røde Kors’s sole focus is the youth of the world. It believes that each child and young adult should feel valued and loved, and that alle kan være noget særligt for nogen (everyone can be something special to someone).

Thus, they actively work towards ensuring a healthier, happier tomorrow for vulnerable youngsters through a series of encouraging, educational, and inclusive projects.

Whether it’s organising social activities in residential institutions to help socially isolated youth improve their social skills, engaging in meaningful conversations with young adults in youth departments in prison, setting-up youth cafes to uplift the spirits of children recuperating in hospitals and psychiatric wards, or planning fun activities at asylum centres to make refugees feel valued and wanted, Ungdommens Røde Kors goes the extra mile to give youngsters a fulfilling childhood.

Moreover, the organisation organises tailor-made workshops and courses in varied topics, to equip young adults with necessary life skills, know-how in conflict management, and insights into social entrepreneurship.

The objective at Ungdommens Røde Kors is to relate to the youth by communicating through youth. Youth-for-youth, so to speak.

Take, for example, Ung På Linje—a chat-based service that encourages troubled youngsters to spill the beans and get a load off their chests by conversing about topics often considered taboo (think bullying, eating disorders, sexuality, and suicidal thoughts) to fellow youngsters on condition of anonymity and confidentiality.

Or, for that matter, Frie Studerende—a study support programme for former young inmates, through which young volunteers help them get support for homework or an apprenticeship and empower them with the necessary skills to get back into the academic force post their release.

Word of advice: when applying to become a volunteer, enquire about whether your role of interest requires that you have a command over the Danish language, as most roles do.

That said, there are opportunities for English speakers as well, so don’t hesitate to ask and get clarity.
To join Ungdommens Røde Kors as a volunteer, visit www.urk.dk/bliv-frivillig


For those passionate about fighting the burgeoning issue of food waste

If combating food waste is a cause close to your heart, Madboks will fit you like a glove. Denmark produces over 1,000,000 tonnes of food waste annually, a lot of which is entirely preventable.

A volunteer-run organisation, Madboks aims to promote sustainability in the food industry by partnering with supermarkets to collect surplus food, which is subsequently sorted and packed into individual boxes for distribution.

Ever since the organisation’s inception in 2020, its volunteers have been responsible for distributing over 12,000 food boxes abundant in fruits, vegetables, bread and pastries, in the process saving more than 70 tonnes of food from being landing up in bins. Distribution takes place on Wednesdays at Urmagerstien 28, on Saturdays at Kapelvej 44, and on Sundays at Sundholmsvej 28a; just keep your eyes peeled for reminders on their Facebook and Instagram pages.

The cherry on top of doing your bit for the greater good? You get a free mad boks (food box) for every shift you pull!
To join Madboks as a volunteer, email info@madboks.com or drop a direct message to @madboks_kbh on Instagram


For those keen on promoting sustainability in the food industry

A product of the Norwegian Church’s Aid, Wefood, much like Madboks, redirects perfectly nutritious, good quality excess food from disposal bins to shops that sell it at economical prices, with profits going towards Folkelirkens Nødhjælp’s international development and relief work. In doing so, Wefood not only tackles the problem of food waste but also works to eradicate hunger among those who don’t have the means to afford even one square meal a day.

Today, one can find three Wefood stores in Copenhagen (in Amager, Nørrebro, and South harbour) and three in Jutland (in Vejle, Aalborg, and Aarhus).

Even though the organisation has upwards of 50 suppliers, its closest collaboration is with Denmark’s Salling Group, with the Group donating DKK 3.41 million for the opening of Wefood stores in Aalborg and Vejle, through the Salling Foundations.

As a store volunteer, you will have the opportunity to connect with customers, locate items around the store, and educate them about the vital work Wefood does, over and above handling admin-related tasks such as counting, receiving, and pricing goods.
To join Wefood as a volunteer, visit www.noedhjaelp.dk/wefood/frivillig-i-wefood or call/SMS store coordinator Claus Wedel on 50 60 40 55


For those who believe that creativity can contribute to a healthier society

Known for hosting a mixed bag of stimulating events and artistic projects through the year, Huset is a magnet for culture vultures and creative souls keen on using the arts as a means to better society. Denmark’s first culture house, in existence since 1970, this Danish institution has been instrumental in shaping and developing the country’s vibrant cultural scene by serving as a platform for everything from rousing concerts, entertaining theatre performances, insightful talks and rib-tickling stand-up acts, to lip-smacking dining experiences and alternative cult movie screenings.

Home to performance room Xenon, music venue Musikcaféen, cinema room Husets Biograf, theatre hall TeaterHuset, scene space Stardust, dining spot Spisehuset, company room Salon K, and everyone’s favourite board game hangout Bastard Café, among others, Huset is ripe with volunteering opportunities.

Based on your inclinations, you can choose to join their bar team and overlook set-up, clean-up, entrance fees and tickets on event days; become a reporter and help create content for Huset’s digital platforms; volunteer at Husets Biograf with ticket sales and film screenings; become a co-creator at TeaterHuset; or take on the mantle of ‘game guru’ at Bastard Café and spread the joy of (board)gaming.

Volunteering with the team at Huset not only expands your social and cultural circle but also grants you cool benefits such as free access to several events and activities, attractive discounts and an invite to volunteer parties and get-togethers.
To join Huset-kbh as a volunteer, visit huset.kk.dk/bliv-frivillig


For those who enjoy interacting with and learning from the elderly

The world may be becoming increasingly global, but for lonely seniors cooped up at home, this could not be further from the truth. Elderlearn is determined to bring a piece of the outside world into the living rooms of the elderly by connecting them with volunteers who can spark conversation and are intent on refining their conversational Danish skills.

The objective is to help forge connections, broaden horizons and learn through conversations over a freshly brewed cuppa, pleasant walks in the park or just an afternoon of easy baking or playing games. Elderlearn believes that in the process of shedding inhibitions in the company of another one creates value and contributes towards a less lonely and more hopeful tomorrow.

Since the organisation cuts across age groups, nationalities, cultures and gender, it offers opportunities to share life skills from experience and form lasting friendships.

Caveat: To become a volunteer, fluency in conversing in Danish to a small extent is necessary, as most of the seniors speak only Danish. Also know that wait times post registering for volunteer work tend to be long (especially in municipalities where Elderlearn is not active) because the organisation matches newcomers with seniors based on factors such as distance, background and interests.

The trick is to hang in there and hold out hope that you will find your perfect match soon enough!
To join Elderlearn as a volunteer, visit en.elderlearn.dk/tilmeld-dig-sprogstuderende


For those interested in bettering the lifestyles of vulnerable women

A membership and not-for-profit organisation, KFUKs Sociale Arbejde—or, Christian Association for Young Women’s (YWCA) Social Work—has been intimately involved with helping vulnerable individuals across Denmark through challenging life circumstances since 1947.

Its motto is to provide ‘personal help and financial support to the fallen and poor, to the sick and old’, and it accomplishes this through ‘nests’ that offer warmth, counselling, therapy, and necessary assistance to those afflicted by homelessness, prostitution, trafficking, substance abuse, mental illness, and poverty.

Today, YWCA Social Work’s network includes nests in multiple locations and forms, tackling a range of social issues—Rederne (Copenhagen, Odense, Aarhus, Aalborg, and Esbjerg), Reden International, Reden Young, Lærkereden Aalborg, Contact Center Vesterbro, KFUK’s Social Work Crisis Center Copenhagen, Redernes Krisecenter Fyn, Redernes Krisecenter Midtjylland, Den Selvejende Institution Lindevangen Frederiksberg, Herberget Lærkehøj, and the recycling shops Reden Genbrug.

Each of these targets a unique subset of the socially disadvantaged. For example, Reden International dedicates its efforts to looking after foreign women in prostitution through night cafes and clinics for periodical health check-ups, while KFUK’s Social Work Crisis Center Copenhagen aims to offer a cosy and comfortable environment for those women and their children in a tight spot in life, and Lærkereden targets women who come from chaotic backgrounds and abusive households and helps them establish a stable lifestyle.
To join KFUKs Social Arbejde as a volunteer, visit www.kfuksa.dk/bliv-frivillig


For those who share a special bond with animals

If this name rings a bell, it’s probably because you’ve chanced upon the Recommended by Dyrenes Beskyttelse red dot on packaged meat and dairy products at your local supermarket. This iconic animal welfare label signifies that the farm animals have been reared in the best possible environments and offered the best quality of life. And that’s what this organisation is all about.

Dyrenes Beskyttelse is actively involved in the rescue and care of animals through its many boarding homes that serve as shelters for abandoned furballs in need of a loving home. Here, it’s all about helping animals in need, advocating for animal rights (through legislations and international projects), putting a stop to animal abuse, and fighting for a sustainable relationship among animals, people, and nature.

For animal lovers, volunteering opportunities could take the form of a volunteer animal rescuer, who drives out to rescue animals in distress and brings them to the nearest vet, boarding house or wildlife station; a volunteer circle chairman, who works as an active member of Animal Protection, with a focus on overseeing animal welfare cases; a gamekeeper, who helps wild animals return to their natural habitat; or a foster parent to motherless kittens.
To join Dyrenes Beskyttelse as a volunteer, visit www.dyrenesbeskyttelse.dk/bliv-frivillig


For those eager to inform and educate others about the need to take climate change seriously

As global warming continues to set (and, consequently, break) alarming records month-on-month and year-on-year, the need for a sustainable future grows ever stronger.

Formed in 2012, UngEnergi is a youth organisation for those between the ages of 15 and 35 that seeks to drive awareness on the importance of creating a sustainable society and the concrete measures and actions that can be undertaken to achieve this. It does this by educating, engaging, involving, and inspiring the youth on matters pertaining to renewable energy through interactive and informational projects.

Case in point: Fem Fede Dage (Five Cool Days)—an event organised by UngEnergi at gymnasier (high schools) and erhvervsskoler (vocational schools) across Denmark. While Fem Fede Dage Gymnasier is the organisation’s largest national campaign that sees 50 colleges compete to develop and test concrete green action proposals in an innovative and creative fashion, Fem Fede Dage Erhvervsskoler is a week-long event that is geared towards facilitating dialogue on the need for green energy by offering vocational students the opportunity to create solutions in the field of their expertise.

Further, UngEnergi is an active participant in national events such as Folkemødet and Klimafolkemødet, and also brings its unique brand of sustainable activism to some of the country’s hottest music festivals like Roskilde, Heartland, and Tomorrow.
To join UngEnergi as a volunteer, visit www.ungenergi.dk/bliv-frivillig/

XIV. 4-H

For those who recognise value in giving young ones the best possible childhood

An organisation that recognises the limitless potential of children, 4-H is purpose-driven to create active, independent, and responsible youth through a clearly-defined motto of ‘learning by doing’.

The four H’s in the name stand for hand, head, heart, and health, and the organisation cares for all four by encouraging young ones to participate in practical and experiential learning activities that deal with nature, animals, and food.

Whether it’s sensitising children to animals through animal schools and animal shows, getting them interested in nature and gardening through its Community Garden project, or equipping them with the handy life skill of cooking healthy meals at the Children’s Food Club and Madskoler (Food Schools), 4-H opens up doors for the youth to realise its potential, build a community, and make a difference.
To join 4-H as a volunteer, visit www.4h.dk/om-os/bliv-frivillig-i-4h/


For those sympathetic to the challenges and concerns of refugees and asylum seekers in Denmark

Life as a refugee is unbelievably stressful anywhere in the world, and it is no different for refugees in Denmark. Recognizing this, the kind folks at Weekend Trampoline Huset try to make it a little easier by offering critical services to refugees and asylum seekers with residence permits in Denmark, alongside equipping them with necessary know-how on parliamentary policies, the Danish job market, and the Danish language.

The volunteer-run non-profit community center also organizes events and runs regular campaigns to protest the current legal rights and participation of refugees and asylum seekers in Danish society in the hope that positive changes can be brought about to eliminate insecurity and marginalization that a majority of displaced people experience in the Danish asylum and integration system.

Seeing as the original Trampoline House was forced to close in 2020 after a decade of dedicated work on account of the Covid-19 crisis and was reborn in its current Weekend Trampoline Huset avatar thanks to loyal, committed, and concerned former users, volunteers, and staff members in 2021, suffice it to say that the organization relies heavily on the services of volunteers sympathetic to the refugee cause and willing to partake in activities such as event management, fundraising, teaching (either English, Danish, or both), cooking, counseling, social coordination, and documentation, among others.
Note: While gender, age, sexual orientation, ethnicity, and religion are irrelevant, it’s appreciated if you can commit to volunteering for a minimum of six months.
To join Weekend Trampoline Huset as a volunteer, visit www.trampolinehouse.dk/volunteer


For those who are intent on decongesting the oceans and returning them to a state of livability for marine life

Marine pollution is a global cause for concern, and Nordic Ocean Watch’s Denmark arm has made it its mission to clean-up Danish waters by organizing events and talks to raise awareness on the grave future consequences of ocean pollution, and expeditions (in collaboration with schooners, ships, and environmental organizations) to conduct scientific research and study the extent and effects of marine pollution.

In its effort to decongest the oceans and return them to a state of livability for marine life, Nordic Ocean Watch Denmark enlists the services of ‘ocean watchers’—those who share a love for the oceans and are dedicated to propagating the organisation’s message of #TAVAHA (TAg VAare på HAvet, which is Nordic for ‘take care of the sea’).

To join Nordic Ocean Watch Denmark as a volunteer, visit www.nordicoceanwatch.dk/ocean-watchers


For those who are dedicated to fostering a feeling of community and connectedness for the socially vulnerable

Caritas Danmark is committed to reducing vulnerability among those who have found themselves in difficult circumstances, and it does so through a series of volunteer-led activities and services targeted at those with diverse needs.

Caritas Åben Rådgivning, for example, offers valuable free and anonymous counseling on every kind of issue plaguing an individual/family, while Caritas Klinikken provides free basic healthcare to the socially disadvantaged with the help of volunteer doctors and nurses. Caritas Greens on Wheels is another initiative that sees volunteer drivers carry surplus food donated to Caritas to various crisis centers and communities associated with the organization, as well as to a network of needy women, children, elderly migrants, and Ukrainian refugees.

Then, there’s Caritas Retshjælp, through which volunteer legal professionals offer legal support and advice to migrants and refugees concerning matters of EU-law and foreign law, in addition to addressing issues of family reunification and work and family permits.

Volunteers are also integral to Caritas’s service offerings, including Ældrecaféer (Elder Cafes), Caritas Læseklub (Caritas Reading Club), Caritas Gåklub (Caritas Walking Club), SOS Forbøn (SOS Intercession), Caritas Madfællesskab (Caritas Food Community), and Caritas JobSmart, and are actively involved with ad hoc campaign work such as Christmas bazaars and flea markets.

To join Caritas Danmark as a volunteer, visit www.caritas.dk/vaer-med/ or reach out to project coordinator Cecilie Nielsen via phone on 31 32 66 78 or e-mail at cmn@caritas.dk


For those who are enthusiastic about making Denmark’s favorite music festival a memorable and an enjoyable annual event

For music enthusiasts, the chance to volunteer doesn’t get bigger, better, or groovier than Roskilde Festival. The largest music and arts festival in northern Europe, Roskilde Festival dates back to 1971 and owes its success to a solid volunteer base—which numbers 30,000 during the festival—that engages itself in everything from camping security and stage building to F&B services and admin-related tasks.

Given that every area is staffed and manned by volunteers, the opportunities for volunteering are immense, and cover areas like green and social sustainability, sales and service, art and activism, IT and technology, infrastructure and logistics, and leadership.

Those with a soft spot for the festival can even sign-up to become year-round volunteers and join 1,200 others like them, who commit at least 100 hours of volunteer work to making the annual event a resounding success.

In return, you stand to learn a lesson in ownership and responsibility, widen your personal and professional network, and get invited to social events (think festival evenings, volunteer parties, and educational workshops).
To join Roskilde Festival as a volunteer, visit www.roskilde-festival.dk/en/volunteers/become-a-volunteer/ or e-mail volunteer

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