Mandatory COVID-19 test of employees
The Danish Parliament voted in favour of new legislation giving employers the power to force employees to be tested for coronavirus.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
Denmark has passed a range of laws related to the current health crisis.
The latest one is the possibility for employers to impose a mandatory COVID-19 test if a work situation makes it necessary to ensure that employees are not infected.
As the measure is quite invasive in an otherwise liberal society, the Danish Parliament installed a run out date on the legislation, so that it only relates to the current crisis. The run-out date is set at 1 July 2021.
The law makes it possible for employers to demand a mandatory COVID-19 test of an employee and to inform the employer of the result.
The test can take place at the workplace but if it cannot be done within the working hours of the employee, the employer must compensate the employee for the time spent on taking the test.
The legislation also makes it possible for employers to demand that foreign workers take the test after arriving in Denmark.
The law has been passed and will become effective as quickly as possible.
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