A couple of windy days ahead

DMI is warning of strong winds starting Thursday afternoon until Friday evening.
The article continues below.
By Bente D. Knudsen
As many of us are longing for warmer and sunnier days, the next three days do not have much of that in them according to DMI and, as you may have noticed already; the wind is picking up and getting stronger.
It will remain cloudy the rest of the day with some showers, temperatures between seven and nine degrees Celsius and it will be windy with gales from the south west and west and along the coastlines strong gusts of winds are to be expected.
In North and Northwest Jutland be careful of the strong gales with gusts of wind with storm strength; DMI has issued a category one warning for this area.
The night will again be cold, as though winter came passing by just as everyone wants spring warmth.
Temperatures will drop down to around plus one-degree Celsius and something white could come down as hail or sleet or even snow (it will melt immediately).
Friday will be another windy day with strong gales blowing from the North and Northwest, with both some sunshine but also showers which again could be with sleet or hail.
Temperatures will feel even colder than they are due to the wind at between five- and eight-degrees C.
Wind should lessen at nightfall and temperatures will drop to between minus two and plus four degrees Celsius.
Saturday could start out sunnier but later clouds and some showers are expected.
Winds will not be as strong and come from the southwest, temperatures still at six to nine degrees Celsius. The night will again be cold with down to minus two to plus three degrees Celsius.
Sunday will be the start of a warmer period with double digit figures and more sunshine.
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