A spectacular sight when the famous eatery Færgekroen returns to Tivoli

This weekend, a modernised version of the popular eatery on the lake in Tivoli will be hoisted by a crane 15 meters high in the air to be able to return to its lakeside location.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
Maybe you have already had a draft beer or a Danish smørrebrød at the renowned old inn, Færgekroen, which since 1934 has been, literally, sitting on the small lake in the world-famous amusement park.
The inn was built for a single event back in 1934 but survived 86 seasons instead of just one.
In 2020, it was decided to tear it down and rebuild it, with the same look but with a much-improved interior, able to keep its guests warm also during the cold season when Tivoli opens for Christmas and during the winter holiday.
You may not be able to see the difference between the old and the new version when looking at it from the outside; actually, Tivoli hopes you won´t!
The whole building will be hoisted in 34 pieces over the fence of Tivoli by a huge crane and assembled back into one piece just like a jigsaw puzzle ready for the opening of Tivoli on the 27 March.
The inn has been recreated by JCB carpentry in Farum.
The 34 pieces of inn will be lifted from the crane placed on H.C. Andersens Boulevard on the 6 and 7 March, the boulevard will already be impacted by the event on Friday 5th March.
You can see the building on location at site of the builders JCB Carpentry in Farum here.
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