Your Danish Post

Changing from wintertime to summertime

Seasonal time change is still in place in Denmark so you need to change your clocks to stay on time. Do you remember if it is back or forth?

The article continues below.

By Bente D. Knudsen

It is that time of the year again: we need to change the time. You might be one of those always forgetting which way it goes?

To remember, just use the simple garden furniture rule: take your garden furniture out ( read: into  the garden/onto the balcony)to prepare for the coming warmer season – meaning to turn your clock one hour ahead when you go to bed.

So on Saturday April, or more precisely the night from Saturday to Sunday,  as you go to bed – put the clock one hour ahead – letting you sleep one hour less!

If you forget, your smartphone will tell you the correct time when you wake up.

Officially the clocks are changed at 02:00 from 02:00 to 03:00 on 30 April.

Discussions have been  ongoing for some years as to whether seasonal time change should be abolised or maintained.

A compromise deal needs to be agreed between the European Parliament and the EU Commission as it would disrupt the EU to have some countries on seasonal time change while others stay on the same time all year round.

The article continues below.

The latest status of the ongoing negotiations within the EU is that there is still no general consensus as to whether seasonal time change should be maintained or not, some countries would like to stay on summertime all year, whereas others do not.

For instance, in Denmark, a change to permanent summertime would mean that winter mornings would be very dark.

With other pressing matters on the agenda, none have put this one at the top on any of the upcoming EU meetings.

The Danish position has been not to let each country decide on its own.

The changeover has been the same in all EU countries since 1980.

So most likely we will again change to summertime at the end of October  2024.


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