Your Danish Post

Denmark closes down for Christmas

Other than a few open eateries, the Danish cities come to a standstill from December 24 to 26 and again on the 31 December and 1 January.

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All shopping malls and department stores such as for instance in Copenhagen Fields, Fisketorvet, Lyngby Storcenter and Magasin remain closed, as do other businesses. This goes for those in the rest of Denmark too!

Many smaller businesses and retail stores may also be closed between Christmas and New Year as many do not start their sales until the beginning of January.

If nothing else, a walk around the Copenhagen waterfront can prove to be very relaxing without its usual hustle bustle disturbing the serenity of a well-lit crisp Christmas evening.

Cinemas will be open the 25 and 26 December.

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Some supermarkets are lifesavers!
If you planned it all wrong or your organisational skills are zilch, some branches of grocery stores like Netto, Lidl, Rema 100 and Føtex Food remain open throughout Christmas and New Year’s. So, all hope is not lost if the baby runs out of formula or the kids out of their favourite cereal.

Check the respective websites of the above stores to see which one of their branches are open on Christmas break.

One day to avoid: the great exchange day – find out below.

One day you might want to avoid is the great exchange day on 27 December.

If Christmas shopping madness is not out of your system, be prepared for this day, the big exchange day for Christmas gifts and when sales erupt in many stores and certainly in the department stores and shopping malls!

Though gifts can usually be exchanged well into January next year most shoppers like to take opportunity of the sales and get more out of the discounted prices, if this will be different this year is still to be seen but shops will be limiting number of people according to their m2 due to the epidemic so many will most likely choose another day.

So, if you got a rather doubtful looking sweater from Grandma or two of the same Georg Jensen necklaces, now would be the time to exchange and get what you really wanted.

All in all Christmas in Denmark is a joyous occasion marked with a beautifully well-lit city and the right balance between commercialism and family life!


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