Did you get an invitation in your e-Boks to be tested for COVID-19?

A new large-scale test project amongst randomly selected citizens is to help SSI find out how many are infected at present or have been infected with COVID-19 in the past.
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By Bente D. Knudsen Picture: Mikael Jarmoluk Pixabay
The roll-out of testing in five of the 16 white tents set-up around the country under the name Testcenter Danmark started on Monday 11 May.
The idea is to send out invitations through e-Boks to a selection of citizens every week inviting them to make an appointment with the test centre nearest their home address.
In total 250 citizens around the country are to be tested every week. They will be tested for both an actual infection with COVID-19 as well as for a past infection – through an antibody blood test.
There is no obligation to show up, but the country’s citizens are encouraged to do so as it helps with the surveillance of how the epidemic spreads and how many have had the virus without knowing it.
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Why is a study needed?
This kind of test project is needed because there is time delay of 10 to 15 days (with each new opening measure) as to how the epidemic develops.
“The most reliable data we have, to follow the epidemic’s evolution, are the number of hospitalizations. But, on average, it takes between 10 to 5 days from a person has been infected to that person’s possible hospitalization, and that is quite a delay. In addition, it is important to understand how many have been infected even amongst those who have not been tested, for example because they have not been very ill, “says Steen Ethelberg responsible for the random test project at Statens Serum Institut (SSI).
The random test project does not mean that all citizens can ask to be tested for antibodies, nor that there will be any kind of antibody document issued, at present it is merely a surveillance method to follow the development of the COVID-19 virus in Denmark.
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