In some municipalities take note that the burning ban is still imposed

Despite the last days of rain all over Denmark, not all municipalities have lifted the burning ban, as the drought situation is still serious in some regions.Violations of the ban will be fined.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
The unusually warm summer was the cause of a record number of wildfires in Denmark.
According to the Danish Emergency Management Board, Beredskabsstyrelsen, the current count shows that for the periode of May, June and July there were 2,092 wild fires. The average annual count for the periode 2013 to 2017 was 592.
Most pronounced was the month of July 2018, which alone counted 1,364 wildfires, more than six times the average July level from 2013 to 2017 of 226 wildfires.
At the beginning of July all 98 Danish municipalities had issued a general burning ban.
Despite the weekend’s massive rain all over Denmark, the burning ban is still upheld in some municipalities, whereas others have started lifting it.
As of the 13 August at 17:00, for instance, the burning ban in the triangle area of Trekantområdets Brandvæsen, Nord Jyllands Beredskab and MidtVest Brand og Redning will be lifted.
However, on most of Zealand and in the Copenhagen area the burning ban is still in vigour.
According to DMI, the drought index – tørkeindexet – is still at its highest level of 8, 9 and up to 10 in large areas of Denmark – and still very high in for instance the western part of Zealand.
The Danish Emergency Management Board advises citizens to check with their local municipalities to find out if the burning ban has been lifted locally.
“It may of course seem odd that the burning ban is still in vigour if it has rained for three days in your area. However, it all depends on how much rain has fallen, and how quickly. It can take time before the water depots under ground are so full that the plants can start getting water again,” says general secretary at Danske Beredskaber, Bjarne Nigaard to Ritzau.
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Due to the drought situation burning bans were issued by the Danish municipalities.
It is the Danish Emergency Management Board, Beredskabsstyrelsen, who monitors the situation and advises the individual municipalities and fire departments about the situation in their areas.
The burning ban, in Danish afbrændningsforbud, means that you are not allowed to make open fires in the nature, including the prohibition of doing so even at the camping facilities or shelters you may be visiting.
If your municipality has imposed a general burning ban it means that you are not allowed to make an open fire, to burn your garden debris and may also mean that you cannot use a weed burner or smoke cigarettes in the nature.
It may also mean that you can only use a grill or barbecue equipment in your garden if you can place it on stone or tiles (non-burnable material).
You can check if your municipality has a burning ban on the municipal website or following this link.
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General advice in drought situations:
- Do not throw matches, cigarettes etc. in nature (or out of your car window!)
- Do not park your car in high grass as the motor may ignite the grass
- If you are using barbecue equipment in your garden make sure to have water close by (in a bucket or your garden hose)
- Take note that sparks spread easily when you pour your coal from the grill starter onto the barbecue
- Do not leave your barbecue until it is completely extinguished
- Place your barbecue equipment on non-burnable material
- Keep an eye on the wind as sparks fly easily