More sun and warmth on the spring agenda

The latest forecast from DMI announces days with sun, less wind, and some warmth for the next two weeks.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
April in Scandinavia can bring a bit of everything, something the past 10 days certainly have shown, however, there is hope for warmer and more sun filled days ahead.
According to the Danish Meteorological Institute, the coming week, 19 to 25 April, starts with a high-pressure system moving from the west over the southern parts of Scandinavia. A high-pressure system this time of the year keeps the low-pressure systems at bay, however Denmark is not quite free from some clouds with an occasional shower.
A day will start off dry with lots of sun which during the day may be replaced by a few clouds, locally forming clouds with some rain in them. Day temperatures will be between 7 and 15 degrees Celsius, some days may be warmer.
Nights remain cool at 3 to 8 degrees Celsius and locally there could still be some frosty nights.
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The week after, from 26 April until 2 May, the forecasts differ, some say the high-pressure system will remain all week, bringing sunny and dry weather with very little wind, whereas others find that the cold and wet low-pressure systems will again reach the country by the end of the week.
In general, the long-term forecasts predict that May and June will be influenced by normal Danish weather with many low-pressure systems from the west bringing wind and rain in between the sunny spells, so a normal spring and beginning of summer. However, much can of course change with such a long-term forecast.
In general, the rule is the same; when the sun shines, forget what you had planned to do indoors and go out to enjoy it!
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