Your Danish Post

NEW: Seat reservation needed on Kystbanen

As of 11 May, DSB has requires all passengers on the popular commuter train Kystbanen as well as on all intercity trains to have a seat reservation.

The article continues below.

By Bente D. Knudsen

As Denmark slowly gets back to something closer to normal also traffic and commuter wise, DSB has changed its seat reservation requirement to ensure that commuters do not sit to close to each other.

New is that from 11 May 2020 all travellers on Kystbanen and Øresundtoget( on the Danish side) need a seat reservation together with their regular ticket.

These two train lines have been added to the seat reservation requirement already in place for InterCity, InterCityLyn and regional trains (Regionaltog).

The only trains were seat reservations are NOT required are on the S-trains and on the Copenhagen metro lines nor are they needed on train buses (buses put in when the trains aren’t running).

A seat reservation is free and DSB asks passengers to only reserve seats on one train at a time. The booking system will only allow for reservations of 50 percent of the seats on any train, therefore they ask passengers to refrain from reserving a seats on a train they will not be taking.

How to book a free seat reservation

Book a free seat reservation (in Danish pladsbillet) online at, or in the DSB app, or from the ticket machine at the station.

You can easily book your travel and seat ticket at the same time, but if you already have a ticket without a seat, or want to travel on rejsekortet, when booking the ticket at set the question “Number of travelers” to 0, and simply select the number of seat reservations under “pladsbilletter”.

The article continues below.

When ordering in DSB’s app, find your travel destination and choose the time of departure. Although the system gives you a price, you can (once you have chosen your time of departure), add the free seat ticket at the bottom of the next window and buy the seat reservation without a ticket if you already have a ticket or use your rejsekort.

When searching for your destination and train to take it will show you which kind of train you are taking such as an InterCity, InterCityLyn, Kystbane or Øresundstog or regional train.

If you are traveling on a DSB Pendlerkort, Rejsekort Pendler or Rejsekort with Pendler Kombi simply book a regular seat ticket and not a special commuter seat ticket.

More information at ( we have not yet found an English language explanation).

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