Report from Coronavirus press meeting update on 10 May
The epidemic is under control with very low pressure on the Danish health system and with massive testing and beginning effect of vaccines was the main message of the press meeting.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
The Danish health minister and representatives from the Danish health authorities underlined the good control which Denmark still has over the epidemic despite the reopening of vast areas of society these past weeks.
Despite small outbreaks of spread and some closing of local parishes and municipalities over the past few days, the Danish Health Minister repeated that the situation is as expected, that it had been expected that there would be an increase in infection rate, but he said that it is still low and reflects that most of those at risk of severe effects of a COVID-19 infection had now been vaccinated.
Spread at present takes place amongst the younger generation, youths and young people aged 16 to 30. This group is amongst other the one back to school and a group who has more contacts than other age groups groups in society.
Vaccination is progressing, the next age group 55- to 59-year-olds will soon be receiving their invitation to get vaccinated, the age group from 60 and onwards already received their first shot or will have done so shortly.
The vaccination calendar has been updated as of 10 May with yet another delay of one week, meaning that all Danish residents above the age of 16 who wish to be vaccinated will have been so by the end of August 2021.
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Concerning the two vaccines, Astra Zeneca and Johnson and Johnson, which have been taken out of the Danish vaccination calendar, the minister informed that some of the AstraZeneca doses were being lent to the German state of Schleswig Holstein and had arrived today at Lubeck to be handed over to the health authorities there.
The Danish Parliament will be voting the legal framework for making the two vaccines voluntary by the 20 May and it is expected that from that date it will become clear how Danish residents, who wish to take it, will be able to do so.
A private medical company will be responsible for administering the vaccines at 20 different location in Denmark.
The vaccine will remain free however it will only be offered after a medical interview and evaluation to those who wish to take it.
The authorities stressed that distancing, testing, and hand hygiene remain key in the opening of the society until all have been vaccinated and urges citizens to refrain from meeting in large groups or going to areas that are crowded.
The Danish police will maintain vigilance at areas that are popular and may still issue hot spot orders to ensure they do not get too crowded such as at Islands Brygge or Nordhavn in Copenhagen City.
No news about travel and tourism at the press meeting.
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