Visits to Sweden now possible without restrictions
Easing of restrictions and full opening of Swedish borders as of 9 February make long or short trips easier again.
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By Bente D. Knudsen
Good news if you want to visit one of the neighbouring countries.
Sweden has eased all restrictions and corona passes, facemasks etc. are no longer mandatory, also the Swedish borders are open to all travellers from the EU and the Nordic area as travellers from these countries are no longer required to present a a valid corona pass.
However, for travellers outside of the EU and the Nordic area must still present a valid corona pass.
Norway is also considering lifting the last restrictions from the 17 February. To be confirmed.
The reasons for the easing of restrictions are the same as when Denmark did so on 1 February: Omikron is now the dominant variant and due to high immunity in the populations from both high vaccine and infection rates, the pressure on the health sector and hospitals is low.
Should you feel like a skiing trip in the Nordic area find inspiration in our GUIDE to skiing in Scandinavia here:
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