Warning of risk of heavy rain for the whole country
DMI has issued a warning of potentially dangerous weather as a strong low-pressure system will reach the country from the west this evening with a risk of heavy rain even locally torrential rainfall.
By Bente D. Knudsen
Denmark seems to be on the way for heavy rain today Friday and Saturday as well, warnings have been issued by DMI of locally more than a month’s rainfall within a few hours.
It is expected that the low-pressure system will move across Denmark from the west/ southweat bringing potentially dangerous weather due to heavy rain over a short period of time.
The showers can be quite heavy releasing between 25 and 35 mm in a few hours and they may release so much water that there locally can fall between 15- and 30-mm rain in less than 30 minutes.
In their weather forecast DMI announce that it is not possible to say exactly where the heavy showers, locally even torrential rainfall, will fall and they encourage residents to follow updates.
The warning has been issued from around 20:00 Friday evening until Saturday evening for Jutland and Funen, with warning for Zealand and the islands as well as Copenhagen Saturday morning until Saturday evening.
The article continues below.
DMI will be monitoring the low-pressure system’s course closely and update their warning accordingly.
The risk of heavy and torrential rain entails an increased risk of aqua planning, water in cellars and flooded low lying areas.
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