Enjoy a festive Christmas market at a Danish Manor House

Christmas markets at old manor houses in Denmark are great fun and they are a unique opportunity to visit sites otherwise closed to the public.
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Pictures and text by Bente D. Knudsen
Christmas markets at old castles or manor houses are an important part of the whole Christmas hygge thing and apart from the hygge, the larger markets are also great places to find “out of the ordinary” presents and decorations.
If you are looking for a Christmas tree and fir to make your Christmas decorations most of them also provide opportunities to buy or cut down your own.
You will also find booths with food and drink and, of course, – gløgg – the Danish version of mulled red wine.
The first Christmas markets at these magnificent venues take place already in the beginning of November and the last ones are typically held a few weekends before Christmas.
Being a holiday season, the Scandi’s of course close down for two weeks!
The yearly Christmas market weekend(s) have become a significant source of revenue for these old estates.
The markets are typically put up for one or more weekends, and the booths and activities are run by small businesses or artisans, often locals, who travel around from one market to the next.
They are great fun though, and for some of them, they are a unique occasion to visit sites otherwise closed to the public.
The booths and activities do not take place only in the old castle and manor house buildings but also in the adjoining stables and barns, here unique Christmas presents at one of the many booths selling artefacts and decorations may be just that special item you were looking to bring home.
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At some markets guided tours can be purchased, enabling a closer look inside of the historic old buildings.
The markets are all a bit different in concept, size and number of booths.
Take note that the markets, which stay open for more than two weekends in a row, are often more focused on selling Christmas trees and fir and pine for decorations than the ones open just one weekend.
If you want the more unique market experience with booths selling many different artefacts and unique items, you might want to choose one of the manor house Christmas markets that only stay open for a weekend, maximum two.
Make sure that they have at least 50 booths, preferably more, otherwise the market may be too small to be really interesting – unless you are just on the lookout for a Christmas tree and a nice excursion.
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Here our guide to the ones coming up until the middle of December. Read also our article on the one at Kragerup Gods on 11 and 12 November here.
Engestofte Estate is strictly speaking not on Zealand but on the island of Lolland and it is easy to reach from Copenhagen.
The market’s stalls at this estate will be located in the barns and adjacent farm buildings, and here you will be able to buy artefacts, presents, Christmas decorations and local produce. In the old watermill a children’s section will delight your young ones, as they here can make their own Christmas decorations.
The local orchestra will ensure the right Christmas atmosphere with Christmas music and carols. This is also a very popular market amongst locals, so you won’t be alone!
Location: Engestofte Gods, Søvej 10, 4930 Maribo When: 2 and 3 December 2022 from 09:00 to 16:00.
Entrance: Adults DKK 70, Children up to 12 years DKK 30. More information here.
Gisselfeld Juletorv, as they call their annual Christmas market, is held at the manor house Gisselfeld Kloster, with more then 100 booths located inside the old stables, in the main barns and outside in the courtyard.
Weekends 17 to 19 November and 24 to 26 November 2023 from 10:00 to 16:00 ( Fridays 15:00 to 20:00). Entrance DKK 125 / Children aged 6 to 12 DKK 40.
The estate’s rooms will be beautifully decorated and they will be open for visits during the Christmas market. An an extra bonus is the old authentic kitchen, here you can taste and smell the delightful Christmas cookies and cakes.
Entrance to the castle’s rooms (those open for the event) is included in the entrance price. Location: Gisselfeldvej 12 A, 4690 Haslev (not far from Næstved). More information here.
Grønnessegaard Gods is a beautiful privately-owned estate in the North of Zealand. For their annual Christmas market, they open most of the estate buildings to accommodate the more than 60 booths.
Here you can buy Christmas decorations, greenery to make your own Christmas decorations or even your Christmas tree, different artisans will be selling their crafts, children can take a pony ride, and adults can watch the training of hunting dogs.
Entrance DKK 50, children until 15 free admittance. Dates: 2 and 3 December from 10:00 to 17:00. Location: Grønnessegaard Gods, Amtsvejen 280, 3390 Hundested. More information here.
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The annual Christmas market at Voergaard Slot usually has some amazing Christmas decoration on display as the flower decorator Bjarne Als from famous Bering House of Flowers is there to show this year’s Christmas decoration theme. More than 70 stalls will inspire you both inside the old castle as well as the lovely renovated barn.
Location: Voergaard Slot, Voergaard 6, 9330 Dronninglund. Two weekends: 25 and 26 November, 2 and 3 December from 10:00 to 16:00. Entrance: DKK 120 for adults, children from 4 to 12 DKK 60. More information here. Early Bird tickets available at DKK 110
At Ulstrup Castle, the annual Christmas market is arranged by the local Lions Club. Ulstrup is a typical Danish middle age manor house, which today is run by a foundation. The buildings are used for local cultural events, and the castle boasts a beautiful park and large estate.
In the grand hall, in the old cellar and in the yard more than 20 stalls sell Christmas decorations and artefacts. Here you can buy your Christmas tree, and taste local produce, gløgg and æbleskiver.
Both days at 13:30, Santa will pay a visit, on Sunday he will even arrive by horse carriage. Location: Ulstrup Slot, Ulstrup Skovvej
20, 8860 Ulstrup.
When: 2 and 3 December 2023 from 10:00 to 16:00. Entrance: Free/ Parking DKK 10
Also in Jutland at Børglum Kloster, Børglum Klostervej 255 B, 9760 Vrå their Christmas market will be open on 17 to 19 November, on 24 to 26 November, and again the first two weekends in December from, entrance is free, more information here.
And at Tirsbæk Gods’ you can enjoy a wonderful Christmas market and cut down your Christmas tree, or why not, enjoy an experience in a Landrover with the Landrover experience team. Location: Tirsbækvej 135, 7120 Vejle on the weekends 9 to 10 December and 16 to 17 December from 10:00 to 16:00. More information here.
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