The epic success of a marketing campaign that became an evergreen
Why the hype about Tuborg Christmas beer today? Did you see the trucks driving about delivering beer?
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By Bente D. Knudsen Picture: Screendump from Tuborg ad/Youtube
The reason is this old advertisement from the 1980’s, which Danes love, and which for many is the start of the festive Christmas season.
It is so well-known and beloved, that even though it seems a tad old fashioned in our modern digital world, no marketing person would dare touch it, change it or abandon it.
The J-day itself was not invented until the 1990’s, where the launch of the Tuborg Christmas with free beer for customers in selected outlets became the hype of the year and has been since.
During the first decades it was always on the first Thursday of November, but as is lead to massive absenteeism in high-schools and at universities they day after, it has in recent years been changed to the first Friday in November.
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