Wegner, Denmark’s King of Chairs, was never satisfied!
“If only you could design just one good chair in your life . . . But you simply cannot.” (Hans J. Wegner, 1952). Hans J. Wegner …

Create Value Through Volunteer Work- find our GUIDE below
Abundant in benefits for self and society, volunteering in this Scandinavian nation is an experience that’s worth its weight in gold. Below, we give you …

Our top tips for a smoother journey : The Best Travel Websites and Apps
You have probably noticed that the Danes like technology. This is a digital nation and you can do pretty much everything online. Use this to …

Are you taking your vitamin D ?
In Denmark, the cold season can be a real challenge. Not only are the dark months hard to get through; the lack of sun may …

Horses, Royal Guards, a GOLD COACH and the King and Queen in Copenhagen
For Danish Royalists, the beginning of January is a great treat. The many Nytårskure, the New Year Levees, are unique opportunities to witness the age-old …

When the wind blows during winter – do you know how cold it is for your skin when you go outside?
Denmark is windy, the modern wind chill factor developed by DMI can help you evaluate just how cold the wind feels on your skin. The …

Get enough C Vitamin – put in small fruit pauses during the day
As the grey and cold of a Danish winter may start taking its toll on you, remember that it is important to stock-up on C-vitamin. …

Tulips, the must have winter treat to brighten your home
Despite the cold outside, cut tulips are in season; a good tip to help you endure the grey clouds and short days. The article continues …

How to source vegetables other than Danish cabbage during the winter
If you are used to lovely fresh and tasty vegetables (and fruit) all year round shopping what you are used to may be a challenge …

The short and dark days ahead may zap all your energy – what to do?
Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), also called winter depression, is not uncommon, especially the further north you get. Find our best tips on what you can …